Monday, June 28, 2010

desert light

i am looking at the difference in these posts.
it's the light.
that's how it is in the desert.
some light washes things flat
other light makes deep indentations
which is real?
both and all.
that's why it is so easy to get lost here.
back to Barry Lopez and Joy Harjo,
tonight we had a storm. a monsoon storm. everything has been at least a month "off", as in
late, this year or so, give or take.

the monsoon storm tonight, a month early.
my planet is disturbed.

the monsoon rains, if they are exactly right, bring the spadefoot toads up. these
can google them, live under ground all year, waiting.
if the rains are right and come at least two days in a row, which means there will be enough
standing water for the "ritual", they come up.
so...before i tell you what that's like, i will wait and see if the rains are the "right" rains,
deep, soaking, seeping down rains.
we'll see.


Manya Maratou said...

we had a huge storm the night before last, totally unseasonal. I have never seen so much electricity discharged..knocked things (me) a bit off kilter..
travelling today

jude said...

what if we are all like those toads? waiting for just the right rain to come?

Deb G said...

Light...perspective...the right rain. You have me thinking. :)