Tuesday, May 25, 2010

this is week one of Jude Hill's Cloth to Cloth Workshop. 5-15-10 ~ 5 -24-10
Horizons Free Form
Stripes Anchored block made with fabric that i would ordinarily not choose
Reminder Cut Out
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Susan said...

wow Grace - these are all amazing. I am especially drawn to the last one with the circle and blue center - and the light shining through...

jennlui said...

oh fabulous recap of the week grace! so amazing the pieces that are coming into existence.

i just commented on your cutout post on cloth to cloth, and i got totally lost in your portal of blue...

twhIch aye said...

they are all beautiful! but that last one hanging in the window looks sacred... speaking long ago secrets...

and this how i plan to hang my window quilt too from a branch.

captcha word :godgi:

Helen said...

I change my mind. I wouldn't do anything to the one in the window. Love it as is, light shines through marvelously. Simple yet striking. Your work says something to me, even if you sometimes are critical. :)

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

helen, smile to you too. I
KNOW self-critical...been there.
what it is about the stripy plaidy
one ISN'T that...it just isn't
"me". but none the less...a very
good experiment and i'm not done with it yet.
the other, window...i wish i'd
taken more care with the drawing.
i got tired and careless at the end, and i think what it might WANT
is coming in the next "embellishment" sections coming up, or maybe even in the
Spirit Cloth workshop.
I like it when i am questioned about anything....so....
thank you.

nandas said...

in particular, i love the circle... but love the use of different types of fabric in all of them... and you will come to make them your own... i wish i could be a little mouse in the corner of your class! it will be fun to see what you have accomplished when i get back... see you in a couple of weeks... i will miss you. love...

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

nance..i wish you were YOU in
the class. it is more than i'd
i will think of you in Morocco
Safe journy Safe return, love

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

received in the mail
the most exquisite little package
...your Big Heart...Thank You
and Thank You More...
and then even More..

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

susan...thank you and i will
write about each in next day or two. none are finished at all,
that will come with the next
parts of the workshop...even the
stripy/plaidy one. it already
told me what to do.

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

michele..i look forward to seeing
your window cloth.
and to working more with this one..
stitching, i think. we'll see.